Formula di gara: 18 buche Stableford Ind.le – 3 Cat. HCP
Premi: 1° lordo; 1° e 2° netto per cat., 1^ Lady, 1° Senior
Format: 18 holes Stableford Individual – 3 HCP Categories
Prizes: 1st Gross; 1st and 2nd for each cat.; 1st Lady; 1st Senior
Formula di gara: 18 buche Stableford Ind.le – 3 Cat. HCP
Premi: 1° lordo; 1° e 2° netto per cat., 1^ Lady, 1° Senior
Format: 18 holes Stableford Individual – 3 HCP Categories
Prizes: 1st Gross; 1st and 2nd for each cat.; 1st Lady; 1st Senior